Sinus Lifts in Buckhead, GA

What is a Sinus Lift?

A sinus lift is a surgical procedure performed by an oral surgeon to increase the amount of bone in the upper jaw, specifically in the area of your molars and premolars. It's often necessary when there is insufficient bone height in the upper jaw, or the sinuses are too close to the jaw, for dental implants to be placed. The process involves "lifting" the sinus membrane upward and placing bone graft material into the newly created space. This procedure allows for the successful placement of dental implants, enhancing both the function and aesthetic appeal of your smile.

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Did you know…

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Sinus lifts have been successfully performed for over tWO DECADES!

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The Sinus Lift Treatment Process

Initial Consultation

The first step in the sinus lift process is an initial consultation with Dr. Jennifer Okhiria at the Buckhead Oral Surgery Suite. During this appointment, Dr. Okhiria will conduct a thorough examination of your oral health, take necessary X-rays or CT scans, and discuss your dental history. This is an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about the procedure, recovery, and expected results.

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The Sinus Lift Procedure

The actual sinus lift procedure is performed under anesthesia for your comfort. Dr. Okhiria will create a small opening in the bone to expose the sinus membrane. This membrane is then carefully lifted upward, and bone graft material is placed into the space. The area is then stitched closed to allow for healing and bone growth. This procedure is meticulously performed to ensure the integrity of the sinus membrane and the success of the future dental implant.

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Healing and Implant Placement

After the sinus lift procedure, healing time is required for the bone graft material to integrate with your existing bone. This typically takes a few months. Once Dr. Okhiria confirms that the graft has successfully fused with your natural bone, the dental implant can be placed. The implant will serve as a sturdy and reliable foundation for your new dental crown.

The Benefits Of Sinus Lifts

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Enables Dental Implant Placement

A sinus lift is a gateway procedure for dental implant placement in patients who lack sufficient bone height in their upper jaw. It creates the necessary space and bone density for the implants, allowing you to restore your smile with the most durable and natural-looking tooth replacement option available.

Improves Oral Function and Health

By facilitating the placement of dental implants, sinus lifts indirectly contribute to improved oral function and health. Dental implants restore your ability to chew and speak properly, and they also help maintain the shape of your face by preserving bone structure.

High Success Rate

Sinus lifts have a high success rate when performed by a skilled oral surgeon like Dr. Okhiria. With careful planning and execution, sinus lifts can pave the way for successful dental implant placement, leading to long-term satisfaction and improved quality of life.

Did you know…

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Sinus lifts make dental implants viable for people who may not otherwise be candidates.